
Oh! Edo Towns

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  • Don't you see this K ?!

    Don't you see this K ?!Proof of obtaining the Kairo statue.

  • Today is also peaceful for Edo.

    Today is also peaceful for Edo.Proof of created the Edo town for many years.

  • Welcome! Please come to our store!

    Welcome! Please come to our store!Proof that there are more than 30 types of combos

  • A spectacular view of the castle triangle ar

    A spectacular view of the castle triangle arProof that three castles were built.

  • Bushido has reached its limit.

    Bushido has reached its limit.Proof that residents became [Vassals].

  • This is the story of a domain.

    This is the story of a domain.Proof that the resident came for the first time.

  • Lively castle town

    Lively castle townProof that there are more than 20 types of combos.

  • Prosperous business

    Prosperous businessProof that there are more than 10 types of combos.

  • More castles

    More castlesProof that two castles were built.

  • Lord of one castle in one country

    Lord of one castle in one countryProof that a castle was built.

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