- 50First StepsPlay the first level.
- 50Getting StartedPlay the level five.
- 50Double DigitsReach level ten.
- 50AdventurerComplete level fifteen.
- 50Twenty MilestoneConquer level twenty.
- 50Quarter CenturyFinish level twenty-five.
- 50Thirty and RisingSurpass level thirty.
- 50Persistent ExplorerOvercome level thirty-five.
- 50Forty FortitudeReach level forty.
- 50Almost ThereGet through level forty-five.
- 50Master AchieverComplete level fifty.
- 50Platformer EnemyFace a platformer enemy.
- 50TrampolinerFace a trampoline enemy.
- 50ShooterFace the shooter enemy.
- 50Flying PlatformerFace the flying platformer.
- 50Flying EnemyFace the flying enemy.
- 50Path FollowerFace the path follower.
- 50Fan EnemyFace the fan enemy.
- 50Spear EnemyFace the spear enemy.
- 50Vertical ShooterFace the vertical shooter.
Title Update
- 200Bonus Level IReach level 3
- 200Bonus Level IIReach level 7
- 200Bonus Level IIIReach level 11
- 200Bonus Level IVReach level 16
- 200Bonus Level VReach level 19
Liste des Succès1 DLC