- 60Who There?Spot a shadow entity
- 60Medium RareGet burned by fire
- 60Rusted HingesFind 10 jammed doors
- 60Light HoarderPickup at least 10 flashlights / lanterns
- 60AcheologistMake it to the Ancient City
- 60Into the abyssDie by falling into the lava
- 60Proven DiscipleComplete All the Trials
- 60Scare em backCause a Spider Beast to flee with a flashlight / lantern
- 60ExplorerCollect 25 collectible notes
- 100Purified by LightDestroy a Ghoul with a flashlight / lantern
- 100Embrace the ShadowSide with Avatar of Darkness
- 100Come to the LightSide with Avatar of Light
- 160HistorianFind all collectible notes
Red Meat Games
Bring To Light
13 / 1 000
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